Tuesday, December 23, 2014

[Fact box] Jacob Holdt was born in 1947 in Copenhagen Is 6th Generation vicar and grew up in a smal

He is known for life as a vagabond on US roads, but today RUST visited him on their residence to talk about trusting man, about life on the road, if not to say No and about Danish worsening racism.
Jabob held. Photo: Gitte Post. On a quiet street in Nyboder neighborhood chief seattle in the East of Copenhagen is a small yellow house sandwiched between other colorful buildings that were the oversized Lego bricks. Inside the house sits a man at a table. With his elbow planted firmly on the wooden board and with his face resting on a clenched fist. He straightens up in the chair. Keep a cup to his lips and lashes upper lip, so it slipselange braided beard bobbing slightly. He sucks the black tea into the oral cavity. A shaggy dog crawls after bread crumbs under the table and in the kitchen beside his wife started spring cleaning.
It could be a home for any Danish couple close to retirement, but this man has lived in more places than there are 3 bedroom apartments in the immediate neighborhood and had experiences that would break most. And he has, moreover, does not intend to retire. It is the life of exciting to.
Jacob Holdt was a vagabond chief seattle in the 70 United States and lived with poor blacks, murderers, Ku Klux Klan members and rich white. He documented it all with a camera and has since published a book and lectured about his experiences at more than 300 universities in the United States and almost all colleges in Denmark. But here in the row house, he is at home.
"My life has been absurd. For one moment I stand at a university, and the next I live with homeless criminals on the street, "says Jacob Holdt and lean body first to one side and then the other, as to mark the two extremes of society as he moves in. Since then, he has traveled back countless times and visited the friends that he portrays chief seattle in the book. No later than the actual travel program on DR2, "Peg and held in the United States."
[Fact box] Jacob Holdt was born in 1947 in Copenhagen Is 6th Generation vicar and grew up in a small village in western Jutland. As a 23-year journey he to the US and lived as a vagabond for five years, where he hitchhiked Around 185.000 km. He photographed the people he lived with, and could afford to camera film by selling blood plasma twice a week. Has for 36 years gave presentations United States and Europe, where he uses images from the book "American Pictures" in a slideshow. Currently, Jacob Holdt seen in the company chief seattle of Søren Pind on tour in the US in DR2 program series chief seattle "Peg and held in the United States." Here, the two political opposites pulse of American values. [/ Fact box]
"Try to imagine if you take a backpack and walk down the streets of the Danish small towns. Then see how many people come out and welcome you, "explains Jacob and strikes back with his arms. He talks a lot, a cornucopia of words, but body language constantly interfere. All the time there is a gesture, a quick flick of the wrist, a smile or a jerk of his upper body over the table, so the mustache roam the teacup. Something that provides reports a large gravity.
The hospitality has for vagabond years been self-evident in Jacob's life. Before he and his wife Vibeke moved into the yellow townhouse, he lived with a lot of immigrants in an apartment in Købmagergade in Copenhagen. Given the multicultural collective reached its climax, he lived with no fewer than 66 Arabs and Iranians. For he could not say no when rumboernes cousins and brothers knocked on the door to get shelter.
"It was fun to see how many they actually cope, because when they stay so close together, there must surely be some who move out. So it was as much their tolerance limit, I had to try, "says chief seattle Jacob. Economics was also a win by the many lodgers. "They made the cous cous, and all sorts of exotic dishes. I bought almost no food in the 9 years I lived there, "recalls Jacob and pulls the corners of his mouth into a contagious smile.
To say yes to man is a central element in Jacob's life philosophy. chief seattle In the latest updated version of "American Pictures" invites Jacob in the preface end Danes to do the same. Here he writes: "Invite every hitchhiker or immigrant homes and ye already have all the floor space filled, or for other reasons will not be able to accept them, so please direct them to me." chief seattle
Jabob held. Photo: Gitte Post. Rape and assault the first two years of Jacob's life as a vagabond was not easy. He killed countless times, threatened with knives and guns and "When I was raped by a black gay man, it was indeed a shock, because I did not know what homosexuality was something," says Jacob casually. In childhood a safe environment, there were no homosexuals. There was only bachelors, as he describes it.
In the 60s Denmark was gay in the province oppressed as they are in Sa

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