Monday, December 30, 2013

Hello, I have prepared for the first time today quesillo cake, I

Quesillo Cake August 20, 2011 Posted by vclarembaux - Cooker Sweet Valen in Creole, Desserts, Recipes Venezuelan, cakes, biscuits, cakes. Tags: Sugar, Candy, Sweets Criollos, Flour, Eggs, Milk, Condensed Milk, Butter, Creole Desserts, Desserts Venezuelans, cfa connect Quesillo, Creole Recipes, Cake, Vanilla trackback
It is well known that for Venezuelans is practically essential with a good singing birthday cake and cottage cheese (for those unfamiliar with the cottage cheese is very similar to a tocinillo the sky), and this is precisely this recipe. The special feature is that the cheese, and the cake was presented as a unique dessert being perfectly defined each.
I remember having eaten only once when I was small and few days ago I happened cfa connect to prepare. cfa connect Although some say that you can cook the mixture of cheese, and simultaneously the cake, I opted for the safest option: cook quesillo first and then add on the firm quesillo dough and bake the cake.
Ingredients: cfa connect 3 eggs 1 can condensed milk 395 gr approx. 1 part water (the contents of the can of condensed milk) 1cucharadida vanilla To make the caramel will need 3/4 cup sugar and 1/4 cup water
To prepare the caramel put 3/4 cup sugar and 1/4 cup of water. It brings to a boil and cook until a candy (not too dark) is done, remove from heat and turning the mold walls are covered with the same, and put aside to cool
For the preparation of cottage cheese, place all ingredients in blender (here in Spain is called Stand Mixer) and poured into the griddle we have previously caramelized, what hornearemos in water bath * about 35 min at 180 C, after which time, removed the oven and quesillo corroborated that has become final as this will allow us to place the mixture cfa connect over the cake when we prepared quesillo was cooking.
Add vanilla and then one by one the yellow of the egg, when they are fully incorporated add the baking powder and then alternately the flour and milk, ending with flour.
Carefully we are adding the mixture evenly over the cake quesillo we have done previously. We baked in water bath and cook about 1 hour at 180 C or until toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean.
Tips: Get a good desmoldado is important that all parts of the mold are coated candy To unmold, to remove the cake from the oven quesillo with a knife took off the edges and let rest completely chilled in the fridge. When cool we can unmold without problem.
* Bain Marie in Oven Place the caramel into a mold or mold tortera largest, with about 5 cm of water, placing in the oven pan containing water that warms while we prepare the cheese, and cake.
Hi Auri, not burn. I must bake like a traditional cake, approximately 40min to about 175 C, or until a toothpick inserted or the tip of a knife into the cake does not come out wet. Greetings!
Spectacular, I did and it was perfect. A friend who asks for money to sell the pieces, it makes sense to add cost of ingedientes used and add a percentage just labor. You'll be surprised cfa connect in relation to the normal retail price. But remember, if your dessert is really good and it will sell much more profitable to sell 100 pieces for 20 to 5-50. Luck!
Good night. I already made the recipe and the cake cv great provarla now. I have a question to you dijistes ROSMAILYN RAMOS d q 225g sugar equals one cup (1) and WHITE FERRETTO you answer q d 225g sugar equals two cups (2). What is the correct size?. Happy night.
Hello, I have prepared for the first time today quesillo cake, I'm hoping to cool completely at room temperature for unmolding .. My concern is if it will be put once hard cake to cool the target q? It happened to me with other normal cakes ...
Hello DLB. I recently did this quesítorta and was excellent and well now I'm going to do to sell by pieces or pieces of a small room. But the truth is no price to sell pieces or quarters. Venezuela.
Nexi Hi, Glad to know you liked it. Regarding prices sorry I can not help you because I am not in the country and the high inflation year after year I have lost the references and do not think to be the most appropriate person to help. Stroll through the streets and making price references other posts, is what comes to mind. Regards, Valen

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