Wednesday, October 23, 2013

In 1977, in the wake of turning 60 and 70, a book of American scientist Ronald Inglehart

In May 1968 in Paris student tuji riots began with the slogan "forbidden to forbid". Among the rebellious tuji youth were representatives of various subcultures, particularly distinguished tuji anarchists. Later, the protesting students were joined by trade unions and there were specific political demands, in particular - a call for the resignation of the then French President tuji Charles de Gaulle ...
Police stormed the barricades protesters in Paris, but the revolt was underway in other cities of the country. France was paralyzed. All these events took place against the background tuji of a decade of economic growth, which by May 68th has cracked, tuji which has affected primarily, unemployed youth. "Fifth Republic" obsessed "new tuji philosophy" and the culture of postmodernism, with its ironic look at traditional values.
And now look at the Turkish analogy May and June 2012. A group of people, mostly - young, is to protest against the felling of trees at Istanbul Park. The police response is using gas. The number of protesters is growing, the rebellion spread to other cities in Turkey. Authorities did not back down, and applies strict measures against the protesters.
The protesters are demanding the resignation of Conservative Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who for ten years of his reign, with the Islamist Justice and Development tuji Party led the country to the position of regional economic leader. However, Turkish disgruntled, tuji without denying the growth tuji of GDP, still complain of unemployment and social inequality. They are also not satisfied with what life has improved through the creation of a basic service, but now you have to pay serious money. But the leitmotif of the Istanbul tuji riots - is simmering discontent secular Turkey, the personification of which - westernized youth, against the conservative-eastern Turkey, in the image of the current government.
In 1977, in the wake of turning 60 and 70, a book of American scientist Ronald Inglehart's "peaceful revolution." tuji The author concludes that in Western democracies have become less and less people to take care of matters exclusively material sense. At the same time, they are paying more and more attention to environmental tuji and civic issues. Sociologist called this phenomenon "postmaterialism." That is, the transition from the concerns related to meeting basic needs, the issues of self-development and self-realization in the background of economic prosperity and stability. In general, in the spirit of the consumer pyramid of Abraham Maslow. These psychological mechanisms are often really tuji work. For example, in the current economic conditions of our country many Ukrainians, who can not make ends meet, just do not care about the desperate subcultural protests. A prospering in Western countries such shares have become the norm.
All this is true, but the problem is that in reality, logic and Inglehart Maslow applies only when a "non-material" and "senior" people continue to be treated with the same consumer motivation. For example, when consuming a bold way in social and political movements. Or, when you come into the world of religion, as in the supermarket. In other words, the democratic "self-love" with a moral justification.
That is, in fact, in today's Turkey, we see something like that. The Young Turks, grabbing an ecological theme and the "negative consequences of economic growth", oppose traditional eastern policy tuji of Turkish government. Not feeling sorry for themselves, they fight for the secular public life, the new democratic developments and the further Westernization. Getting resistance from the authorities, the protesters go bold fighters for freedom from morality tuji that prevents tuji them to engage tuji in "self-actualization". However, in their own eyes they are updated in the course of this struggle. tuji Demonstrating at the same time not quite tolerant behavior toward not like them. Here's what observations from Turkey shares the journalist Natalia Gumenjuk:
"We drink to your health, Taipei (Recep Tayyip Erdogan, - auth.)!" - One of the most popular slogans of the demonstrators. Bill to ban sales of alcohol tuji at a distance of 100 meters from the mosque or shrine, which means that around the center of Istanbul - another reason mass discontent ...
"... Talking, observed

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