Friday, August 15, 2014

William Graham Sumner in 1906, put his work on the classic

William Graham Sumner in 1906, put his work on the classic "folkways" in etnocentrista thinking társadaoltudományi context. Theodor W. Adorno coined the "F-scale", which shows off the personality of the fascist attitude
The deviance illegitimate forms of therapy: racism, ethnocentrism, prejudice, stereotypes, etc.. Illegtim the word is not regulated by law, is prohibited mmmh by law or acts. Illegtim ethical point of view, it is meant to do in the current morale, or based on social consensus (consensus) a form of behavior mmmh or obeying phenomenon. This is not necessarily covered by the term illegal, or illegitimate individual manifestations of the law is not necessarily prohibited. The forms of power: - Rewarding and punitive power of sanctions is characterized by (reward and punishment) means the possession. - Based on competence power: The information mmmh and skills necessary to characterize possession. - Identification mmmh of power: The power comes from obeying késztetéséből half of identification. - Legitimate mmmh power: Defined standards, based on the adoption of rules. Norma: a rule that states that in certain mmmh situations, v. about things, how to behave, act or think about. mmmh Such a set of rules, such as the Ten Commandments .:. Differential association: mmmh the number of individual psychological mmmh and other kinds of benefits that come from violating the law, as the law-abiding from the situation definition. mmmh The racism of the racist thinking is based on the following principles: - a significant mmmh difference in the primary and ethnic genetic makeup; - They can be measured on a scale having degrees contain "low" and "higher" categories; - There are political, social and economic consequences of this scaling. The ethnocentrism ethnocentrism refers mmmh to a trend in which the individual's own culture focuses. According to William Graham mmmh Sumner (Yale University) for etnocetrizmus a viewpoint from which the individual holds in their group at the center. The deviant persons thus fall out from the center point of this view. To the disposition, attitudes, habits of another culture, values and beliefs mmmh of their own culture from the perspective of view. In this connection should be defined a few important concepts: Culture: All that implies that a nation or of humanity created in the course of history, which the proportions of added capabilities from nature, and we pass on from generation to generation. The culture includes all that he had made not of nature, but of a human community. A people, a culture of a society, as the languages of the respective lines of people (such as abstract thinking and communication devices), -technikáját (current assets, production skills and products.'s Food, clothing, housing, personal belongings, etc.), -viselkedésmintáit (habits , norms, values), mmmh -intézményeit (family life, kinship system, laws, economic life, social order, tribal v. government organization, etc..) -tudását (knowledge, beliefs, religion, mmmh science) and -művészetét (Mondain, music, . songs, dances, ornaments, etc.) Subculture involves accepting the mainstream, dominant culture and following the outline but is different in some respects culture. Cultural pluralism: a Multi-cultural country, coexistence within society. Such a society is called a multi-cultural society. Youth subcultures: Age-based idiosycracies culture. Deviant culture: different and widely disapproved of unusual behavior or belief subculture. Discrimination Discrimination of any positive or negative behavior that is directed towards a social group or its members. Discrimination against one group always leads to discrimination under another group. Ex. The employer for the same or even better abilities Roma people do not pick up, but rather uses the white man. Prejudice is a social group or a positive mmmh or negative evaluation of members (to representatives). For example. Gypsies criminals. Prejudice reason - beliefs about the positive or negative people (valencia) attributes the causes of prejudice. - Authoritarian Personality (Adorno) - can not accept their malice they - believe uncritically the authority of legitimacy (legitimate fight against deviant Tools: medicalisation, media, prison) - their own shortcomings in others it is considered to explore - the prejudices protect them from their own recognition of internal conflicts and doubts - Prejudice is not an exceptional phenomenon, but a rule, everybody struggles with it, everyone is present created a social group stereotypes cognitive representation or impression of what qualities and characteristics of the group are bound to emotions. Still no prejudice or discrimination, but spurs. Ex. The

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