Friday, August 1, 2014

What certainly affects these days is the timing of a series of events that affect the entire planet

The aforementioned Years 2012-2116 | Libreria Editrice ASEQ
The Mayan prophecy on December star career academy 21, 2012 is one of the most discussed topics of the modern era. According to many theories star career academy on that day could happen a bit 'of everything catastrophes of planetary dimensions, landing of extraterrestrial civilizations, passing into another dimension.
What certainly affects these days is the timing of a series of events that affect the entire planet: star career academy global economic crisis, de-structuring of the old models of social and political recognition, massive diffusion paths of awareness.
If we cast a glance on the past centuries, we realize that, in fact, humanity is already experiencing, for some decades now, an unprecedented burst of evolution. To understand whether this is connected or not with the Mayan prophecy on December 21, 2012, will need access to its true meaning.
The years 2012-2116 predicted it helps to understand and to "clean up" the Mayan prophecy, all the lids and cultural interpretations that have polluted. Starting then from a rediscovery of the mathematical model, being an abstract model, has the ability to ride out the centuries of history, you will understand the holistic and cyclical universe encoded in it.
The number is a form of representation of reality. Be guided by the understanding of the Tzolkin means starting a path towards the awareness of that aspect of the universe and of human existence that it expresses. By correlating this knowledge with information obtained from the contemporary global star career academy culture, you will understand that we are living though the years have been predicted by the Mayan civilization.
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