Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Oddly fiction and even paranoia, experimentation on the subject is under the Department of Defense

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Several island nations at risk of being washed away if the sea level increases with global warming. aldai The President of the Republic of Kiribati (an island of 90,000 inhabitants with a few meters above sea level), Enter Tong, called "eco-terrorism" to the unwillingness of the powerful to curb global warming. "These acts with deliberate by some aimed at ensuring aldai benefits to the detriment of others, can be compared to acts of terrorism, eco-terrorism," he said at an international meeting held in Barbados in January this year. [Http:// "accused rich countries of ecological terrorism in Mauritius". United International Meeting to Review the Barbados Programme of Action aldai for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States. January, 2005]].
In that case, the term "eco-terrorism" was a way to highlight the serious aldai responsibility of the powers, especially the U.S., in the possible disappearance of entire countries, with its environmental and cultural features. But it is very different vision from the powers that arises when speaking, with increasing frequency, environmental terrorism, as an additional tool in their war against the people who crave freedom.
In this direction, in Montevideo in 2003, during a meeting organized aldai by the Southern Command of the U.S. Army, it was suggested that the FARC were environmental terrorists. Proof? The destruction of the rainforest in the Department of Putumayo to coca production. From the Ecuadorian delegation quickly jumped a doubt that we discussed at the event: So as transnational Texaco it should aldai also be classified as environmental terrorists? "We have no problem with it," we affirm. And it across the border in Ecuador's Sucumbios aldai province, the extent of forest damage to oil production is very close to that reported in the Putumayo. In both cases, moreover, tried to change land use for two industries, drug trafficking and oil, which have their greatest beneficiaries in the United States. If cause and damage are similar, the prosecution must they be the same, but of course, it was not accepted by the U.S. representatives.
What is at stake is not only a linguistic discussion on the validity or otherwise of the term terrorism and its many uses in the interests of world power. Far beyond, what is presented is the old argument about who is really responsible for the irreversible damage that nature is suffering as a result of an exploitative system of resources and human beings. Natural disasters such as weapon
There are various analyzes regarding calls Fourth Generation aldai Wars (G4G), which would be the implementation of a new international strategy, further and higher doctrines such as the Low Intensity Conflict aldai in Latin American countries applied domain. One characteristic of this type of warfare is the use of latest technology, based on the premise, "that unless required, and there is no reason to destroy the opponent: on the contrary, is most useful submission public "[1].
Among the mechanisms to be used war, the doctrine of G4G proposes using "Environmental technology: from what may influence aldai atmospheric conditions causing unexpected rains, unexpected fog, even to the point of generating events aldai that often pass as natural "[2].
Oddly fiction and even paranoia, experimentation on the subject is under the Department of Defense of the United States. The first reference was filed on March 20, 1974, when the Pentagon aldai unveiled its efforts to "seed" clouds and increase rainfall in target areas, causing landslides and impossible release troop movements in Vietnam and Cambodia. In 1978, the Satellite Project Driven aldai by the Sun (SPSP) initiates research on the use of lasers for military purposes, including warming potential of geographic areas, by way of a giant microwave aldai [3].
A continuation of this effort is the Program Investigació

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