Sunday, June 15, 2014

Johandry Defort 9-01 To My Opinion That Was The century opened the era of the killings, hatred and

Lislianis 9_01 For My Opinion is that each country began Forming A War Between Ah Si. Ah weakening A Little More Each And Germany am thuc viet nam was one of the first countries sought to harm the De more like Russia. And The View From This The more not far behind and attacked Doing That Russia And Germany will abandon the war. And more followed De Asta they reached an agreement February 6, 2014, 12:25 PM
karla rocha 902 All that war originated from serbia serbia because there was an organization called the Black Hand who were the perpetrators of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand (heir to the throne) and his wife after the assassination Austria-Hungary sent him a warning to Serbian to destroy am thuc viet nam that organization but they said no ivan not destroy the association called the Black Hand. Russia and did not know what lay ahead was preparing am thuc viet nam for war, while on the other side of Austria-Hungary he ordered his troops to be mobilized by all naciones.Alemania ultimatum sent him several various nations: first-steered A Russia-France. But Germany for my nation of Germany was growing he had much power and wanted to send to all other nations, so Britain came and told him to respect the decisions of the nations that did not want to get involved in the war. In this war the most for me was troubled nation and suddenly Germany was the most controversial because in essence that he killed his heir to the throne and the wife of this. February 6, 2014, 17:17
the consequence was that they were losing territories, economies of Europe were hit hard, and as many more consequences. After Germany and Russia signed a partnership countries followed and gradually were allying am thuc viet nam to end the First World War. February 6, 2014, 17:56
Ruiz Munoz jeraldinne 901 all empeso death of Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia because of one of the members of the Black Hand then Austria hungary serbia will Embio one ultimatum to finish with black hand. declares war on Russia Germany demanded desmovilisacion to France, I demanded the full potential conflict Germany then want to enter the territory am thuc viet nam of Belgium to enter the territory of France in 1925 the first toxic war develops and then 4 years ends WWI. February 6, 2014, 18:13
saray cardenas 901 because in my opinion all war originated by the death of Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia. Germany was the cause of most of the war with Russia and then after the other allied countries were also allying. February 6, 2014, 18:35
Vargas yanelis 901 What started specifically was the murder of Franz Ferdinand and his wife. THE first conflict was generated by Austria-Hunguia and Serbia.Luego The Main Countries like Russia, Austria, Germany am thuc viet nam began to prepare for war, There were like other countries who joined to his war was more extensive. Finally retired and Germany am thuc viet nam after the war ended several years. February 7, 2014, 11:29 am
Johandry Defort 9-01 To My Opinion That Was The century opened the era of the killings, hatred and violence am thuc viet nam are one of the hallmarks of the twentieth century. Originated in Europe by the rivalry between the imperialist powers, France wanted revenge for their defeat by Prussia in the Franco-Prussian War &'s result was That They Were Losing Territory. February 8, 2014 7:37
VILLARREAL 901 MARITZAY the murder of Mr. Franz Ferdinand, in Sarajevo Serbia on 28 June 1914.los factors that triggered the First World War were the intense spirit am thuc viet nam of nationalism that swept Europe during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, economic and political rivalry between the nations and the process of militarization and dizzying arms race that characterized the international society during the late nineteenth century, February 8, 2014, 10:06 am
Corrales Rocio Bohorquez 902 My opinion is that Germany will De Claro War A Russian El Primero De Agosto Because Of Its Mobilization of Troops. And Aug. 3 Germany will also declare war on France For No Ala Reply Last Toma.y During the 3 & 4th Of August The Germans am thuc viet nam invaded Belgium By A be A Rank A Form Of Germanic To Use Its Territory To Invade France . And To Conclude On July 28 1914 Was Killed In The Heir Francis Ferdinand and his wife Sofia, By A Member Of The Black Hand Organization. YA I sent Sergio Ultimatum To End With Members Of The Organization (Hand-Black) and Two Days After Mas Afternoons With Serbia Responds Refusing Association Austria-Hangria As consequence. And Poco A Poco After 4 Year Term is

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