Thursday, May 28, 2015

Most crops grow in the fields. Golf - the total area on which crops are grown, a place where many l

Developing lesson. plant native land - Works, of presentation, kratkye love sosa chief keef pereskazы love sosa chief keef proyzvedenyy raznыh authors, features heroes and SEE download free of charge on the assistance love sosa chief keef Flame!
Objective: To acquaint children with crop As sector of the economy; acquaint children with grain plants; explain the significance to humans with technical and vegetable love sosa chief keef plants; develop observation, attention, thinking; nurture love of work and people. love sosa chief keef Equipment: Table with images of plants grain, technical and vegetable crops. I. Summary Proceedings lesson phenological observations - What is the state today of heaven? - What is the temperature? - Is it raining? love sosa chief keef - Indicate wind direction. - What you noticed when going to school? - What happened love sosa chief keef phenomenon in nature?
II. Monitoring, love sosa chief keef adjusting and fastening learned 1. Front work. - What is a swamp? - As the lake becomes a swamp? - As peat is formed? - Which of living organisms in the swamp are the manufacturers?
- To reveal the importance of wetlands. 0) Name the place from which the lake begins Milito. (Beach) 1) How is the water that occurs naturally in the recesses of the earth's surface? (Lake) 2) long nose, long legs, not afraid of swamps. Catch frogs - That's my concern. (Stork) love sosa chief keef 4) What insect that lives in the swamp.
(Mosquito) 0) animal, which settles in the swamps. (Nutria) 1) Swamp bird of prey. (Marsh harrier) III. updating of basic knowledge and tasks TOPIC lesson. - Today we continue our study area and the edge of the field will talk about col Roman, plant fields, and talk about the work of people. love sosa chief keef 1. Conversation. Who was with you in the field? What plants grow in the field?
(Mechanics) - The topic of our today's lesson is "a plant native land." IV. perception and awareness training material 1. The story of the teacher. - In the villages people do agriculture, ie pla schuvannyam crops and breeding animals in order to ensure love sosa chief keef people with food, and for maintenance of the industrial raw materials. Agriculture belongs to oldest forms of human activities and now is one of the most important places love sosa chief keef in our country. One of the components of agriculture are crop. Crop - is growing crops. It is divided into agriculture (growing crops on arable land), horticulture (growing love sosa chief keef perennial plants) and Lukivnytstvo (improvement love sosa chief keef of natural pastures, cultivated grasses growing).
Most crops grow in the fields. Golf - the total area on which crops are grown, a place where many live animals love sosa chief keef and plants are wild. The work was in full swing throughout the year: in winter - snows delay, fertilize the soil; spring - sowing and care plants; summer - harvest; autumn - plowed and sown winter crops. love sosa chief keef 2. Working with illustrations of grain plants. - The main industry is agriculture growing grain plants. (Consideration illustrations.) Cereal plant - a herbaceous plant which grows root beam stalk empty - straw, leaves are long and narrow, and the fruit - grains. Front work. Children carefully consider illustrations of cereals, compare love sosa chief keef them, find common and distinctive features.
What kind of flowers is wheat, rye, barley? love sosa chief keef (They are collected in the spike.) What flowers should millet, rice, maize? (In millet, rice - the panicle, and corn - and the beginning of panicle.) 3. Continue the story of crops teacher (or student tells a prepared). love sosa chief keef - The main plant grain in Ukraine is winter and spring wheat. Winter wheat is sown in autumn and gully - spring in well-moistened soil.
Top wheat gives black soil steppe love sosa chief keef and steppe. Most rye grown in Polesie and Carpathians, where humidification is excessive, the soil is not very fertile. For wheat is not very favorable.
Great value food with barley and oats. Corn loves heat and light. High yields provides only black soil with plenty of moisture. love sosa chief keef Rice - a heat-loving plant and voloholyubyva because it is grown on irrigated lands of southern Ukraine.
4. Technical plant. Working love sosa chief keef with illustrations. - Technical plants - those plants, processing factories. These plants include: flax, sunflowers, potatoes, beets. The plants are made from potato love sosa chief keef starch, with sunflower seeds - oil with beet root crops - sugar, with the stems of flax - tissue. For a map of the textbook (p 162) determine which of these plants are grown in the fields of the region. The largest area of industrial crops in Ukraine is occupied by sunflower and sugar beet.
Sunflower covers about 70% of all crops. Sugar beets are grown in the north of the steppe love sosa chief keef and steppe zones. Ukraine has grown buckwheat, peas, soybeans, millet. 0) Born greenbacks, was rough, love sosa chief keef and became love sosa chief keef smooth. And ulihsya under leaf top curves tail.
(Cucumber) love sosa chief keef 1) Round, and not a month, green, and not oak, with a tail, and no mouse, Inside reds but also sweet.

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