Sunday, March 23, 2014

Let bullshitting: Some see

Was the aim to GRASP the intimate essence That Was Within These Walls, hence the name "House Entremuros" Removing all the superstructures, and once the space Had Been Freed Was it ready to host new life, man.
Strictly speaking, the factors That Were Put Into Play in this project go well Conventional Beyond the technical problems of recovery, and initiate radical Rethinking of the spaces, of the way of thinking and living inside the house: Whether it is entertaining friends, cooking or resting.
Two side corridors run Along the depth of the building, like wings on a stage, and are defined by a series of steel slats That Go up to the ceiling, close to That sequence of vertical lines in the critical points are stiffened by Means of horizontal windbracing plate inserts. These house the stairway, bathroom and utility cake decorating classes rooms and landings.
The new wall facing the garden opens like a fully Gigantic designed frame. Returning to the theatrical metaphor, this wall acts like a big screen thatâ Toward the stage opens, revealing the interior of the house, the real theatrical scene. The openings are very large: the wings are cut More than five meters, But The frame profiles are Extremely slender (just three centimeters). Space is left for the transparent glass, But with sufficiant to support and rigidity Easily move These large and heavy wings. That the tubular cake decorating classes profiles are used for the fixed and mobile galvanised frames are steel, Which Means That a wide range of Finish can be chosed from, and in this case untreated Stainless Steel Was the ultimate cake decorating classes choice.
That Was The logic pursued in the project to return to the essential nature of things, the totally Reducing the number of components is in perfect tuning with a more universal research - Accomplice in Periods of profounder cake decorating classes change - That distinguishes this era we are living in.
Giuseppe January 7, 2014 at 15:50 Reply
Estoy de acuerdo con el Alberto comment. RCR has to a trajectory that quisieramos tener muchos ... (quizás Jan leyendo sus comentarios ferocious Mucha lacking coherence, ya tiene a trajectory gloss ...). Pienso that I can criticize the works with more education, cake decorating classes and RESPECT that it coverall sabiendo dice
Certamanet not know how to solve the acclimatization of space (if they do), and I just saw that the room has requested privacy adequacy in so large a house where several people are supposed to live. And the acoustics between levels? It also seems so extreme and so different from the other houses, one thinks that the house fit the lifestyle of the people cake decorating classes will be those that have to adapt to the norms established by "the house. " But inconevenients finger, notes the virtues (at least to me): I personally think beautiful ... The way the levels are set in the house and play all this great central cake decorating classes space, making a person feel they live in an enclosed space, but your house is the landscape. They do not put a window from which to see the Garrotxa like a box transcendalista American hung on the wall, make their own lives in the house picture. I understand those who say that this house is a manifesto. Obviously it has many drawbacks, but it is a starting point, not the end, try to put a light way to get increasingly more houses built in nature. And worth a try when the environment is beautiful Garrotxa.
Absolutely the way of understanding the architecture is very variable and leo os veo that comfort and criticism from more aggressive Standardization (despreciando) Déjà not a solo resquicio the research lenguaje ya criticism from a much more constructively. If any of vosotros continues down the trajectory cake decorating classes of RCR I can not deny its incredible Valiant, onion on bone ellos but remember that in the escuela When we explicaban the wonders of the litigation that Farnsworth obviaban le supusó Mies with its cliente and well ... muchos ejemplos in the history of architecture that serves to de muchos referente. Vosotros compartir con algunos de los aspects that criticize but hay that Reconocer that this house or diluye cake decorating classes them as they tiene tanto los Muros RESPECT neither touches nor siquiera vosotros sois some of them that have to use this odorless Housing. It was ejecutada for a cliente (sea or not to Miembro RCR) establecio that your way of life, relacionarse of Open cerrar or its intimacy and RCR, cites Joseph as Quetglas DID the Site.
This house is a manifesto. manifest a way of living and interacting with the world. or nature. we discuss whether this proposal is vital shareable or not, or if the customer stance is pretty presumptuous cake decorating classes and smug, but what is undeniable is the value of this office. few representatives of the discipline can transfer theory "vital" to a formal proposal consistent.
Let bullshitting: Some see "manifest

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