Saturday, February 21, 2015

Answer: This is not itakikani be imam of the people. Supposed forwarded the case to the supervisors

Answer: This is not itakikani be imam of the people. Supposed forwarded the case to the supervisors professional chef to wamuondoshe and insert another. Who has shaved his beard and enjoins others should shave his beard is not eligible to be an imam. Supposed to be dismissed. But even so if anyone would question his past, his prayer inasihi. He is a sin. Prayer behind him inasihi sins. Pray behind him sin who is not an infidel, inasihi. But not eligible for adoption to be an imam. Who has known that he shaved his beard, should not be made to be an imam. Shall be referred his case to supervisors until he could be replaced. 2014-11-20 professional chef

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